Monday, July 26, 2010

Who Sells Coast Dresses

Scenes from a Marriage, the ducks and other stories lean

all started with an e-mail, where these two guys in the photo, they asked us for an estimate of a buffet menu for a wedding. Virtually ended with the couple who were happily married and their guests filled the course chosen and cooked for them.
For our part we did that incorporate their wishes, without first preparing and cooking them does not experience the size of the weights, the weights of the recipe, the firing tests and calculating the provision for the buffet. Because this is the story of Duck Magra. Our passion.

Matrimonio Marco e Mariangela
 Complicati ma semplici, informali ma formali, insomma tutto è passato sotto la loro scelta e il loro punto di vista ed è stato un vero piacere lavorare per questi due amabili sposini.
Belli e giovani, dannatamente magri e svegli, la papera magra attende il cd delle foto della numerosa prole che arriverà.
Tanti auguri, ragazzi.

Questo era il menu elaborato per la cerimonia:

Potato salad
cruditè di verdure in pinzimonio con tre salse
pieces of flat bread stuffed with meats and sauces
sangria we produce
ventricina Abruzzo
cheese quiche (recipe HERE)
Danube savory stuffed
First Course
Timballo Teramana
Ring rice
quiche with herbs
scacce Ragusa with escarole, sausage and herbs
spinach pie
onion pie Ligurian
Main courses
Sliced \u200b\u200bbeef with pesto, rocket and cherry tomatoes
roast beef with two sauces
blacks beans with tomatoes and avocado concassé
focaccia Slices (onion, rosemary, eggplant, tomato, etc.)
tarallucci salted bread
dessert and fruit-cake
Macedonia cream vanilla cake


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