Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Immodium Side Effects

The Return of the Real - The architects of the late twentieth century by Hal Foster

"This book covers the emergence of some trends and theories of art since 1960, but does so with the intention to understand the news, what makes this one so different, and how this, in turn, re-reads the past? This question involves the relationship between critical and historical work, and here no one can escape from this, not even art historians. Historical analysis does not depend on the positions today, but a commitment to this, it's artistic, theoretical and / or political, is essential. "

Hal Foster," What is the role of criticism in a visual culture increasingly governed from an art world dominated by figures with little promotional spirit critical, and a media world of communication and entertainment companies that have no interest in any critical analysis? And what is the place of criticism when we live a more consensual political culture, especially when we are at the center of cultural battles with a right that professes such threats "take it or leave it" and left with questions like "where we stand? "." Hal Foster

"There are so many and different reasons for the order to emphasize the importance of this book and its publication in Italian in almost ten years away from the original language. I'd start by saying that the extent of the return of the real is not limited to a certain period of time so short, but rather, like all significant contributions intended to occupy a prominent position in the landscape of thought, it is this perspective of time (slightly delayed would call the author) that allows us to fully understand the value, especially in light of the has happened in recent years and in view of the direction in which many things have gone in, "then" was given to the closer look to see the seeds but not yet germogli.La the long view, on the other hand, is a character present throughout the production of Hal Foster. By recoding: Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics, in The Anti-Aesthetic, The Return of the Real, Compulsive Beauty, to the Design & Crime Italian readers have already got to know and where you feel almost physically, the urgent need to question the reasons and the possibility of existence of art today, to continue to confront the questions and paradoxes that mark the dramatic reality of art these years, but not all. These items can mark an important step of the artistic developments in recent decades, each of them the author starts from a particular perspective and that is extremely effective in leading us to think about an environment far more attention to ampio.Concentrando The return of the real, I think that few people doubt that this is one of the contributions that he knew more attraversare il presente e offrire una lettura di episodi storicizzati, dal minimalismo, all’arte concettuale, al percorso di Andy Warhol, per arrivare agli sviluppi che hanno segnato una vera e propria svolta rispetto al passato prossimo agli inizi degli anni Novanta. Il procedere di Hal Foster lo si può definire ragionevolmente complesso, in quanto da un lato continua a mantenere aperto e vivo il dialogo con la storia dell’arte, dall’altro si apre ad un confronto reale con discipline confinanti con l’arte stessa". Emanuela De Cecco


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