Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Dr. Geekblue Blockers

Books: Before "Taste" and then buy

Gli "assaggi di lettura" di 250 libri, disponibili gratuitamente grazie a un'iniziativa che vede coinvolti gli oltre 200 editori indipendenti italiani del portale . E i numeri sono provvisori e in costante crescita. Quella che viene offerta è la possibilità di leggere, in modo assolutamente gratuito, interi brani o capitoli tratti dai libri on the site. It is simply downloaded onto your computer the "taste" of the book chosen, in PDF format, if you print it, and then let carry on the development of the plot. A little 'as it happens in real libraries, so you can read the first pages of a novel or a test, a love for stories of the protagonists and, if interested, buy the book to find out the ending. Scrolling through the titles, there's something for every taste, from fiction to yellow, the most pressing current issues, the publishing successes of recent months.
"War of the Worlds" by Orson Welles, published by Baskerville, è il celeberrimo adattamento radiofonico tratto dal racconto di H.G. Wells, ormai considerato a tutti gli effetti un classico della fantascienza. Un annunciatore anonimo interrompe una trasmissione radiofonica con la notizia che i marziani sono sbarcati nel New Jersey. Quando la trasmissione andò in onda, diventando uno dei momenti più famosi dell'intera produzione di Welles, si verificò un fenomeno straordinario di “schizofrenia” collettiva a livello nazionale che creò la leggenda di Welles stesso. Altro successo editoriale da “assaggiare” sul sito è “Correndo con le forbici in mano” (Alet Edizioni), da oltre un anno tra i libri piu' venduti in America. Esilarante e struggente, forsennato, terrificante, refined and vindictive, does not leave time to draw breath. It 's the story of Augusten, who starts at full speed when he was nine years old and does not slow down for the rest of his adolescence. "The Days of Abandonment" (published and / or) of the mysterious author Elena Ferrante, literary and cinematic event of last autumn, is instead the story of a woman thrown into a dark abyss, ancient by the sudden abandonment of her husband. Also the story of a woman, but in a totally different context, says "The black dress of Odelia" by Voland: Odelia, young and seductive student, asks for help in the preparation of the thesis to Amir, Tel Aviv University professor thirty-five . The eroticism, the charm and personality of the girl's dark will come to disrupt the lives of the young professor. Set between Tel Aviv and Venice, the book has been described by the press as "the first and only novel set in the Italian-Jewish Israel."
"Men, crackers and other atrocities" by Giraldi Editore, is a rather funny "manual" which tackles the age-old theme of cialtronerie sentimental male sociological problem in all respects. Here is a guide for the modern woman's survival in the urban jungle, where men can often be adept chameleon. Even a woman protagonist in the novel, this time autobiographical, the young writer Amelie Nothomb, with il suo tredicesimo libro “Biografia della fame” (Voland): episodi a volte buffi e commoventi, a volte drammatici, che tratteggiano gli anni del nomadismo familiare in paesi esotici, al seguito del padre diplomatico e i problemi di rapporto con se stessa e con gli altri che ne derivano, il tutto consumato in una divorante fame di vita e di esperienze.
Non mancano titoli che guardano alla nostra società con occhio critico e pungente. Se come diceva Aristotele “l’uomo è ciò che mangia”, a ormai poche settimane dalle elezioni, forse potremo conoscere meglio i nostri politici sapendo cosa e come mangiano, grazie ad “Aggiungi un seggio a tavola” di Graus Editore. L’uno dopo l’altro, tastes and tales of run, among others, Giulio Andreotti, Fausto Bertinotti, Gianfranco Fini, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, Margherita Boniver, Oliviero Diliberto, Maurizio Gasparri, Antonio Di Pietro, Clemente Mastella, Mariotto Segni, Giuseppe Ayala, Vittorio Sgarbi, Achille Occhetto .
And again, it becomes a fact, an event, a news item, something that "did you know? "50 things you may not know" (New Worlds Media) is a small, easy to read book, quickly became a bestseller in Canada and the U.S., which collects 50 essays on facts and truths uncomfortable, however, unknown or little known. How to protect against Banks is explained instead "Bank Dachshunds" by Alternative Press / New equilibria, the first manual of self-defense of the citizen investor. Through the adventures of an employee of the phantom BANK BASSOTTI struggling with Treasury bills, stocks, mutual funds, insurance policies, the book reveals the tricks to grab customers, hidden costs, techniques and terminology of financial advisors smoky policyholders. In an 'era of "precarious flexible," "You shall expire when?" (Manni Editore) is telling the precarious reality of the generations who suffer. The book was the starting point of the first episode of "Give me time," the transmission of Rai 3 conducted by Ambra Angiolini. With the Olympics just concluded, "The Black Book of the Olympics Torino 2006 "Frilli Brothers Publishers, analyze the organizers described it as a devouring Moloch of € 3 billion by overwhelming interests of all kinds: precious natural areas invaded by expensive and useless sports facilities, rights of expression and criticism expressly prevented from "constitution" of the IOC
For those interested and intrigued by the phenomenon of audiobooks, talking books, or otherwise called fonolibri or audiobook on 365Bookmark are two samples of reading, or perhaps I should say "listening": "The Newspaper of Gian Gale "and" Venice is a fish. A Guide ", both published by The Narrator audiobooks. Very popular on the UK market, where often the books fresh off the press also see the version read and recorded in Italy audiobooks are something new but rapidly expanding, which has already seen the emergence of projects in support of people with low vision or reading problems in general. Initiatives such as show, if ever proof were needed, increasing the take off of new technologies in the field of editorial content, ebook and audiobook are more tools to support the promotional and editorial the same producers of technological support are studying and perfecting the players needed to use this kind of emerging.


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