Nelle ore più fresche di questo inizio estate provate a fare la ricotta in casa.
Very simple and not at all difficult to prepare:
Ingredients for about 600 grams of ricotta cheese (this amount is enough for a main course for lunch and dinner for three people to be eaten with vegetables and meats to natural or season to taste:
3 liters of fresh cow's milk and organic whole 1 tablespoon salt serum
Put the milk in a saucepan and bring the temperature to 90 degrees accurate. If the pot has a bottom end put a cast iron pot of Protector of the kind that are used for earthenware pots, to avoid burns too much milk in contact with the bottom and does not burn.
To check the temperature using a thermometer probe or pin. As the milk has reached 90 degrees immediately turn off the stove and put the pan in a larger pot or in the house sink full of cold water. The pot of cold milk will float on water, so be careful l'acqua non vada a mescolarsi con il latte. Monitorate sempre la temperatura del latte con il termometro. Il latte si raffredderà con l'acqua fredda che è a contatto con le pareti della pentola e dovrà scendere fino a 40 gradi. Come è scesa a 40 gradi, tirate fuori la pentola del latte e lasciate riposare per circa 5/10 minuti. Aggiungete il caglio e cominciate a mescolare il latte per 2 o 3 minuti con un frustino per montare la panna.
Incoperchiate e lasciate a riposare per circa 20/30 minuti.
Qui è avvenuto il miracolo e il latte sarà interamente cagliato. Cominciate a rompere con il frustino la cagliata e continuare a rompere la cagliata mescolando dolcemente per circa 5 minuti.
Lasciar riposare per circa 5 minutes and begin with a strainer to drain the ricotta cheese grains fuscella putting them in a school (maybe a container any, it is sufficient that all the ricotta to drain the excess whey).
Lightly press the whey to drain and allow to rest for about 20 minutes. Stir the fuscella that now has taken the form and let drain a few dozen minutes.
Season with salt or sugar to taste or eat it at its best with its natural flavor.
be consumed within a few days or a day.
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