Sansepolcro, May 27, 2010
With a name from a foreign Jane - ian as everyone always called - is a 'Italian born in Sansepolcro. The father in the Fifties he moved to New Jersey to work, sent by Buitoni. The family followed him in a boat trip which is a real adventure to the new world for little Jane. In America there is also the home TV, but friends, cousins, grandparents are far away and unreachable.
will return to his homeland for love: there waiting for the Libero, the childhood friend with her picture in the photo that shows both proudly heralding a long life together.
A double migration that helps to see the world through different eyes and realizing that mix uses and traditions, learn about other cultures and use other languages \u200b\u200bis a great wealth.
photo of Luigi Burroni
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