Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Blueprints For A Simple Desk

New Zealand and the bridegroom is a chef!

We have been contacted by the agency for Regency San Marino by Valentina Valentini Artenova (miscellaneous Wedding Planner) for a service kitchen at home in that of Ponzano di Fermo (AP) at the Holidays "Pomegranate" ( can be found here) , we accepted and we started to arrange the menu with the agency and the wedding.

The bride and groom are from New Zealand and relatives from England. So far nothing objectionable not that we come to know the day of the ceremony that the groom is a well-known restaurant chefs island of New Zealand.
No agitation or nervousness, Duck Slim is quiet and seduces everyone with a menu tailored to the bride and groom, very unusual for these areas. The chef has been fascinated by the ravioli of rabbit saddle and at the end of the party congratulated us personally. The Duck Slim at the end of the festival was among the guests relaxed with coffee and anise, explaining the recipes, customs and curiosities. Smiling, the puns Inglese typically the father of the bride to bestow on all.
Nice party, informal, beautiful people and a good service at the end of cooking at home in a dell'Agriturist like the "Pomegranate" truly magnificent. Splendid views, tranquility, meadows and a great desire to do well by the management structure that has hosted the ceremony.

The menu has been agreed and published this:
eggplant carpaccio with balsamic vinegar flavored with oregano
(Thinly sliced eggplant with oil, balsamic vinegar and oregano)
Diced fresh tomatoes with croutons and ciauscolo
(Diced fresh tomatos with a crouton and local salami)
Spiedini di alici marinate e olive farcite
(Marinated anchovy and stuffed olive kebab)
Mazzetti di asparagi e speck in cestino croccante
(Asparagus wrapped in speck in a crunchy basket)
Flan di zucchine con concassè di pomodoro
(Zucchini flan with tomatos)
Scrigni di sfoglia con funghi misti e patè di fegatini
(Wild mushroom and liver pate with pastry)
First Course
Cannelloni with spinach and ricotta
(Spinach and ricotta cannelloni)
ravioli with rabbit and rosemary
(ravioli with rabbit and rosemary)
Seconds and Stroke
Arista pork roast pork with scalloped potatoes and fresh onions
( Rolled roast pork loin with an onion and potato cake)
Sgroppino lemon
(Lemon sherbet)
Cuttlefish salad and green beans with lemon
(Cuttlefish salad and green beans with lemon)
Fruit Dessert
baked peaches stuffed with glass of lemon cream
(Baked peach with a lemon cream)


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