Friday, March 24, 2006
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"Content Management. - Designing, producing and managing content for the Web" , published by Apogee , edited by Alessandro Lucchini .
A book by many hands, which was attended by 46 authors between teachers and students born during the first Master in Web Content Management made by the University Multimedia - - Milan.
The book aims to provide accommodation the ideological occupation of the Content Manager and opens with the definition proposed by Franco Amick, the first research on the professions of the Web in Italy - published in Panorama. "Web Content Manager: It 's the manager and the creator of the editorial content of the site and defines strategies for setting and ensure their continuous updating. Plan content and services and their publication: the figures directly involved in writing texts for the Web are related with this figure. "
The book is addressed" To you who have written on the card 'Content Manager' . To you who have written something else on the ticket, but actually do this. To you do anything, but you are attracted to this new profession. " ( Lucchini )
" Content Management " is the first book dedicated to the Italian web content management. The layout resembles that of a site: headlines, summaries, cracks, pits, and several links. These are undoubtedly the most interesting and innovative of the book, because they ensure that the reading does not end at the end of 400 pages, but you're still on the web, allowing the reader a better insight of the issues that are covered in the 35 chapters.
The book is divided into 14 sections , each of which deals with a subject that revolves around the Content Management:
· Scripture. The rules of web writing, not only with the sound principles of Jakob Nielsen, but with the five values \u200b\u200bof Calvin prophetic: lightness, quickness, exactitude, visibility and multiplicity. The values \u200b\u200bin the literature of all time, Calvin suggests, however, to bring in the new millennium. Have already been demonstrated connections between the U.S. and writing lessons on the web. Those five words express, in fact, even the Internet's core values.
· Journalism Online . This change of journalism under the blows of the Internet. The real revolution? The Net has led to the "death of distance", ha annullato il tempo e lo spazio. Le notizie, oggi, sono in tempo reale e per tutti. I casi Apogeonline - webzine di cultura digitale – e tgcom.
· Strategia and concept . L’impostazione strategica che è alla base della pianificazione e della gestione di contenuti. L’importanza, per ogni sito internet, di analizzare le aspettative della clientela e le potenzialità di offerta, e di trovare le forme più appropriate di reperimento o sviluppo interno dei contenuti.
· Struttura . I modelli più potenti dei siti, e il valore della logica come pratica di progettazione: più i siti web fondano la propria struttura su logiche coerenti, più la loro efficacia in termini di business be guaranteed. For users, then the advantage will be ease of access to information. · Usability . Some questions on the issue central to the success of a site. How does the structure of a site? What are the structural elements? Structure invisible? Usability and accessibility?
· Semiology. Communicating is a task full of risks. The first is that of not being understood, even to be misunderstood by our party. The "net semiology" helps to resolve communication problems on the Internet.
· Management. The choices to organize the process of content management should be addressed on the basis of objectives and resources. Analysis of the path of design, with a look at the content and logic of a work organization.
· relationships and interactions. They are the core values \u200b\u200bof the web. The tools that support them (e-mail, forums, newsgroups, chat), those who use them best, their natural outlet: CRM - Customer Relationship Management -.
· Technologies. A site that attracts visitors and convince them to return is a site that offers depth and interactivity, personalization and navigation instruments.
· Security . The rules and the computer security company need to be accepted, followed and verified. The web content manager must send le esigenze del reparto IT all'intera struttura aziendale organizzando le informazioni in maniera efficace.
· Knowledge management . Il passaggio dalla gestione della conoscenza alla condivisione della conoscenza, e alcune idee per lo strumento principe di questo processo: la intranet.
· E-learning . I contenuti dell'e-learning; la motivazione, la spettacolarizzazione e le strategie formative; la qualità della scrittura e degli elementi multimediali; gli standard internazionali; formazione, informazione e strategia didattica; il ruolo delle comunità di apprendimento online; i software per la gestione dei contenuti e-learning.
· Normativa . Una panoramica sulle iniziative laws in Europe and the debts against the American experience: regulation and self-regulation, obligations and responsibilities of Internet providers, digital signature, the minimum measures of security, electronic commerce, protection of software and databases, a new law on copyright
Testimonials · . The identikit of the Web Content Manager: training, habits, passions, obsessions.
In the book there are numerous interviews, including one in Leandro Agro, Riccardo Bagnato, Caterina Della Torre, Lucia Predolin and Luisa Carrada .
book was created in a classroom di formazione, che si sviluppa nel web attraverso il sito , che si propone anche come luogo di confronto con i lettori e i professionisti del settore, nonché come spazio per l'aggiornamento dei contenuti.
Sara Caminati
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