Friday, March 24, 2006

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The book "The Pope of Fatima" by Renzo Allegri. Mondadori Editore. Content Management

April 2 marks the first anniversary of the death of John Paul II.
around the world are organizing activities to commemorate that date and the event that accompanied it, that is the emotional involvement of the mass, which involved several billion people, a unique event in human history.
In Rome, the queue of pilgrims waiting to enter the caves to the Vatican to pay homage the tomb of Pope John Paul II has returned to be very long. The memory of this great man is more alive than ever.
are also numerous initiatives, audiovisual and publishing.
Among these, a great volume of Mondadori entitled "The Pope of Fatima - The Life of Karol Wojtyla" , designed by Renzo Allegri , in bookstores by March 14.

A unique and courageous book. It is not, in fact, a standard biography. The author has set out to tell the story of the existence of this great man, starting from an unusual angle. He took as a reference point that John Paul II has recognized that "Bishop dressed in white "which is discussed in the Third Secret of Fatima.
This belief of the Pope, the author points out, the outlook shocking. The secret, in fact, was given by the Virgin to the three Portuguese children July 13, 1917, three years before Karol Wojtyla came to the world. Then, Our Lady spoke to him, knew him, knew he would become Pope when Karol Wojtyla was not designed by her parents. What an absurd, crazy, for those who do not believe. To believers, however, suggests a view of history and the complications of this man from addentellati drugs that enter the "quota", ie the temporal reality. Starting

from this observation, the existence of Wojtyla is placed in a historical and spiritual events worldwide, such as that outlined in the prophecies and in the Message of Fatima, and that relates more to the ideology of atheistic materialism of Marxism, that Soviet Communism , the spread of the errors of Communism in the world, with the persecution of the Church and the martyrdom of millions of believers. But then you get to the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (created by John Paul II in 1984 but that the Madonna had asked in 1929) and the consequent sudden fall of communist regimes, and the new course of history that should, according to the promise Virgin, which resulted in the end, "a period of peace. " The protagonist of these events, Karol Wojtyla. Declared a hero three years before his birth, with the expectation of a fundamental mission for the salvation of humanity. But to achieve it, he has had to deal with the forces of evil, who tried to prevent it by all means.
And the author of the book documents how the existence of Wojtyla was a series of "attacks" that have threatened his life and his vocation. At least four or five times young Wojtyla is incorporated in an accident in which it would have to die and saved in a mysterious way, "miraculously". In 1981, then came the attack in St. Peter's Square that has "suggested" the real key to the existence of this man.

The book is therefore a real biography of John Paul II. But, viewed in the light of these "possibilities" and these "mysterious coincidences", the story is enhanced by a breath and a really unusual and exciting interpretation, and raises questions and reflections very demanding. Stanislaw Dziwisz, who was the faithful secretary of Pope John Paul II and is now the new Cardinal Archbishop of Krakow, about the argument in this book, the author wrote: <>.

Monsignor Mario Rizzi, archbishop, a distinguished Latin scholar, Apostolic Nuncio, gave the book a very enthusiastic feedback: <>, wrote author <>.

Renzo Allegri

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"Content Management. - Designing, producing and managing content for the Web" , published by Apogee , edited by Alessandro Lucchini .
A book by many hands, which was attended by 46 authors between teachers and students born during the first Master in Web Content Management made by the University Multimedia - - Milan.

The book aims to provide accommodation the ideological occupation of the Content Manager and opens with the definition proposed by Franco Amick, the first research on the professions of the Web in Italy - published in Panorama. "Web Content Manager: It 's the manager and the creator of the editorial content of the site and defines strategies for setting and ensure their continuous updating. Plan content and services and their publication: the figures directly involved in writing texts for the Web are related with this figure. "

The book is addressed" To you who have written on the card 'Content Manager' . To you who have written something else on the ticket, but actually do this. To you do anything, but you are attracted to this new profession. " ( Lucchini )

" Content Management " is the first book dedicated to the Italian web content management. The layout resembles that of a site: headlines, summaries, cracks, pits, and several links. These are undoubtedly the most interesting and innovative of the book, because they ensure that the reading does not end at the end of 400 pages, but you're still on the web, allowing the reader a better insight of the issues that are covered in the 35 chapters.

The book is divided into 14 sections , each of which deals with a subject that revolves around the Content Management:
· Scripture. The rules of web writing, not only with the sound principles of Jakob Nielsen, but with the five values \u200b\u200bof Calvin prophetic: lightness, quickness, exactitude, visibility and multiplicity. The values \u200b\u200bin the literature of all time, Calvin suggests, however, to bring in the new millennium. Have already been demonstrated connections between the U.S. and writing lessons on the web. Those five words express, in fact, even the Internet's core values.
· Journalism Online . This change of journalism under the blows of the Internet. The real revolution? The Net has led to the "death of distance", ha annullato il tempo e lo spazio. Le notizie, oggi, sono in tempo reale e per tutti. I casi Apogeonline - webzine di cultura digitale – e tgcom.
· Strategia and concept . L’impostazione strategica che è alla base della pianificazione e della gestione di contenuti. L’importanza, per ogni sito internet, di analizzare le aspettative della clientela e le potenzialità di offerta, e di trovare le forme più appropriate di reperimento o sviluppo interno dei contenuti.
· Struttura . I modelli più potenti dei siti, e il valore della logica come pratica di progettazione: più i siti web fondano la propria struttura su logiche coerenti, più la loro efficacia in termini di business be guaranteed. For users, then the advantage will be ease of access to information. · Usability . Some questions on the issue central to the success of a site. How does the structure of a site? What are the structural elements? Structure invisible? Usability and accessibility?
· Semiology. Communicating is a task full of risks. The first is that of not being understood, even to be misunderstood by our party. The "net semiology" helps to resolve communication problems on the Internet.
· Management. The choices to organize the process of content management should be addressed on the basis of objectives and resources. Analysis of the path of design, with a look at the content and logic of a work organization.
· relationships and interactions. They are the core values \u200b\u200bof the web. The tools that support them (e-mail, forums, newsgroups, chat), those who use them best, their natural outlet: CRM - Customer Relationship Management -.
· Technologies. A site that attracts visitors and convince them to return is a site that offers depth and interactivity, personalization and navigation instruments.
· Security . The rules and the computer security company need to be accepted, followed and verified. The web content manager must send le esigenze del reparto IT all'intera struttura aziendale organizzando le informazioni in maniera efficace.
· Knowledge management . Il passaggio dalla gestione della conoscenza alla condivisione della conoscenza, e alcune idee per lo strumento principe di questo processo: la intranet.
· E-learning . I contenuti dell'e-learning; la motivazione, la spettacolarizzazione e le strategie formative; la qualità della scrittura e degli elementi multimediali; gli standard internazionali; formazione, informazione e strategia didattica; il ruolo delle comunità di apprendimento online; i software per la gestione dei contenuti e-learning.
· Normativa . Una panoramica sulle iniziative laws in Europe and the debts against the American experience: regulation and self-regulation, obligations and responsibilities of Internet providers, digital signature, the minimum measures of security, electronic commerce, protection of software and databases, a new law on copyright
Testimonials · . The identikit of the Web Content Manager: training, habits, passions, obsessions.

In the book there are numerous interviews, including one in Leandro Agro, Riccardo Bagnato, Caterina Della Torre, Lucia Predolin and Luisa Carrada .
book was created in a classroom di formazione, che si sviluppa nel web attraverso il sito , che si propone anche come luogo di confronto con i lettori e i professionisti del settore, nonché come spazio per l'aggiornamento dei contenuti.

Sara Caminati

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

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Books: Before "Taste" and then buy

Gli "assaggi di lettura" di 250 libri, disponibili gratuitamente grazie a un'iniziativa che vede coinvolti gli oltre 200 editori indipendenti italiani del portale . E i numeri sono provvisori e in costante crescita. Quella che viene offerta è la possibilità di leggere, in modo assolutamente gratuito, interi brani o capitoli tratti dai libri on the site. It is simply downloaded onto your computer the "taste" of the book chosen, in PDF format, if you print it, and then let carry on the development of the plot. A little 'as it happens in real libraries, so you can read the first pages of a novel or a test, a love for stories of the protagonists and, if interested, buy the book to find out the ending. Scrolling through the titles, there's something for every taste, from fiction to yellow, the most pressing current issues, the publishing successes of recent months.
"War of the Worlds" by Orson Welles, published by Baskerville, è il celeberrimo adattamento radiofonico tratto dal racconto di H.G. Wells, ormai considerato a tutti gli effetti un classico della fantascienza. Un annunciatore anonimo interrompe una trasmissione radiofonica con la notizia che i marziani sono sbarcati nel New Jersey. Quando la trasmissione andò in onda, diventando uno dei momenti più famosi dell'intera produzione di Welles, si verificò un fenomeno straordinario di “schizofrenia” collettiva a livello nazionale che creò la leggenda di Welles stesso. Altro successo editoriale da “assaggiare” sul sito è “Correndo con le forbici in mano” (Alet Edizioni), da oltre un anno tra i libri piu' venduti in America. Esilarante e struggente, forsennato, terrificante, refined and vindictive, does not leave time to draw breath. It 's the story of Augusten, who starts at full speed when he was nine years old and does not slow down for the rest of his adolescence. "The Days of Abandonment" (published and / or) of the mysterious author Elena Ferrante, literary and cinematic event of last autumn, is instead the story of a woman thrown into a dark abyss, ancient by the sudden abandonment of her husband. Also the story of a woman, but in a totally different context, says "The black dress of Odelia" by Voland: Odelia, young and seductive student, asks for help in the preparation of the thesis to Amir, Tel Aviv University professor thirty-five . The eroticism, the charm and personality of the girl's dark will come to disrupt the lives of the young professor. Set between Tel Aviv and Venice, the book has been described by the press as "the first and only novel set in the Italian-Jewish Israel."
"Men, crackers and other atrocities" by Giraldi Editore, is a rather funny "manual" which tackles the age-old theme of cialtronerie sentimental male sociological problem in all respects. Here is a guide for the modern woman's survival in the urban jungle, where men can often be adept chameleon. Even a woman protagonist in the novel, this time autobiographical, the young writer Amelie Nothomb, with il suo tredicesimo libro “Biografia della fame” (Voland): episodi a volte buffi e commoventi, a volte drammatici, che tratteggiano gli anni del nomadismo familiare in paesi esotici, al seguito del padre diplomatico e i problemi di rapporto con se stessa e con gli altri che ne derivano, il tutto consumato in una divorante fame di vita e di esperienze.
Non mancano titoli che guardano alla nostra società con occhio critico e pungente. Se come diceva Aristotele “l’uomo è ciò che mangia”, a ormai poche settimane dalle elezioni, forse potremo conoscere meglio i nostri politici sapendo cosa e come mangiano, grazie ad “Aggiungi un seggio a tavola” di Graus Editore. L’uno dopo l’altro, tastes and tales of run, among others, Giulio Andreotti, Fausto Bertinotti, Gianfranco Fini, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, Margherita Boniver, Oliviero Diliberto, Maurizio Gasparri, Antonio Di Pietro, Clemente Mastella, Mariotto Segni, Giuseppe Ayala, Vittorio Sgarbi, Achille Occhetto .
And again, it becomes a fact, an event, a news item, something that "did you know? "50 things you may not know" (New Worlds Media) is a small, easy to read book, quickly became a bestseller in Canada and the U.S., which collects 50 essays on facts and truths uncomfortable, however, unknown or little known. How to protect against Banks is explained instead "Bank Dachshunds" by Alternative Press / New equilibria, the first manual of self-defense of the citizen investor. Through the adventures of an employee of the phantom BANK BASSOTTI struggling with Treasury bills, stocks, mutual funds, insurance policies, the book reveals the tricks to grab customers, hidden costs, techniques and terminology of financial advisors smoky policyholders. In an 'era of "precarious flexible," "You shall expire when?" (Manni Editore) is telling the precarious reality of the generations who suffer. The book was the starting point of the first episode of "Give me time," the transmission of Rai 3 conducted by Ambra Angiolini. With the Olympics just concluded, "The Black Book of the Olympics Torino 2006 "Frilli Brothers Publishers, analyze the organizers described it as a devouring Moloch of € 3 billion by overwhelming interests of all kinds: precious natural areas invaded by expensive and useless sports facilities, rights of expression and criticism expressly prevented from "constitution" of the IOC
For those interested and intrigued by the phenomenon of audiobooks, talking books, or otherwise called fonolibri or audiobook on 365Bookmark are two samples of reading, or perhaps I should say "listening": "The Newspaper of Gian Gale "and" Venice is a fish. A Guide ", both published by The Narrator audiobooks. Very popular on the UK market, where often the books fresh off the press also see the version read and recorded in Italy audiobooks are something new but rapidly expanding, which has already seen the emergence of projects in support of people with low vision or reading problems in general. Initiatives such as show, if ever proof were needed, increasing the take off of new technologies in the field of editorial content, ebook and audiobook are more tools to support the promotional and editorial the same producers of technological support are studying and perfecting the players needed to use this kind of emerging.

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The Return of the Real - The architects of the late twentieth century by Hal Foster

"This book covers the emergence of some trends and theories of art since 1960, but does so with the intention to understand the news, what makes this one so different, and how this, in turn, re-reads the past? This question involves the relationship between critical and historical work, and here no one can escape from this, not even art historians. Historical analysis does not depend on the positions today, but a commitment to this, it's artistic, theoretical and / or political, is essential. "

Hal Foster," What is the role of criticism in a visual culture increasingly governed from an art world dominated by figures with little promotional spirit critical, and a media world of communication and entertainment companies that have no interest in any critical analysis? And what is the place of criticism when we live a more consensual political culture, especially when we are at the center of cultural battles with a right that professes such threats "take it or leave it" and left with questions like "where we stand? "." Hal Foster

"There are so many and different reasons for the order to emphasize the importance of this book and its publication in Italian in almost ten years away from the original language. I'd start by saying that the extent of the return of the real is not limited to a certain period of time so short, but rather, like all significant contributions intended to occupy a prominent position in the landscape of thought, it is this perspective of time (slightly delayed would call the author) that allows us to fully understand the value, especially in light of the has happened in recent years and in view of the direction in which many things have gone in, "then" was given to the closer look to see the seeds but not yet germogli.La the long view, on the other hand, is a character present throughout the production of Hal Foster. By recoding: Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics, in The Anti-Aesthetic, The Return of the Real, Compulsive Beauty, to the Design & Crime Italian readers have already got to know and where you feel almost physically, the urgent need to question the reasons and the possibility of existence of art today, to continue to confront the questions and paradoxes that mark the dramatic reality of art these years, but not all. These items can mark an important step of the artistic developments in recent decades, each of them the author starts from a particular perspective and that is extremely effective in leading us to think about an environment far more attention to ampio.Concentrando The return of the real, I think that few people doubt that this is one of the contributions that he knew more attraversare il presente e offrire una lettura di episodi storicizzati, dal minimalismo, all’arte concettuale, al percorso di Andy Warhol, per arrivare agli sviluppi che hanno segnato una vera e propria svolta rispetto al passato prossimo agli inizi degli anni Novanta. Il procedere di Hal Foster lo si può definire ragionevolmente complesso, in quanto da un lato continua a mantenere aperto e vivo il dialogo con la storia dell’arte, dall’altro si apre ad un confronto reale con discipline confinanti con l’arte stessa". Emanuela De Cecco

Saturday, March 11, 2006

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Time management, the right path to a winning business

Il sistema con cui sempre più frequentemente si sviluppa la vita professionale (e non solo) di ogni persona moderna preclude o frena una corretta gestione del tempo: o se ne ha troppo o troppo poco. Ciò è causato da diversi fattori: lo stile di vita lavorativa, la scarsa elasticità mentale, l’incompetenza nell’uso delle tecniche e degli strumenti per ottenere una comunicazione efficace ecc. «Il tempo stringe»… «Non ho tempo»… «Avrei bisogno di una giornata di 72 ore per poter fare ogni cosa». Tutti hanno pensato o ascoltato questo tipo di frasi almeno una volta. Gestire efficacemente il proprio tempo, imparando a dare le giuste priorità anziché lasciarsi influenzare dalle urgenze, è ormai una qualità indispensabile per potenziare la propria efficacia ed efficienza personale, sia come professionista sia come individuo. Da un esperto di Marketing and Communication, Marco Mancinelli, this gave rise to the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a book, using a style at once informative and informal, is a real "training manual": Time Management - Organize the most of his working time , published by Finson (Collection Office & Business).
In 128 pages the author gives the reader a theoretical and practical route through which to form his thoughts and learn to assign a schedule to various daily tasks, taking full advantage of its potential to be the sort ideas and their execution . By The Time Management, Marco Mancinelli - editorialista che, dopo aver frequentato diversi corsi di specializzazione in Inghilterra, si occupa di consulenze aziendali e scrive articoli sia per il Web sia per riviste specializzate – trasmette ai propri lettori la sua decennale esperienza nel settore e, attraverso degli input trasmessi con esercizi ed esempi pratici, li aiuta a:
· compiere un’autoanalisi;
· migliorare le capacità organizzative;
· perfezionare i comportamenti;
· stabilire i traguardi;
· decidere le priorità;
· studiare il tempo;
· allargare gli orizzonti delle performance professionali;
· gestire gli imprevisti;
· Work in groups.
nicely illustrated with cartoons sketched by Gianluca Cersosimo, the fourth book of Mancinelli (before the release of "Do Marketing", "Sales Techniques", "The Basics of NLP" and then "Public Speaking", in the coming months) then explains how they learn to master the flow of the hands and not to suffer it again.
The book, in fact, explains:
· as the optimal management of time can become one of the most beneficial to encourage the use of intellectual capital in a timely manner of a professional, pleasant and fruitful;
• Why, in a world like today where it is natural to feel assaulted by the deadlines and the desire to meet the expectations of others (customers, employees, family, etc..), It is increasingly important to understand that the knowledge of some useful levers to influence the so-called Time Management helps us to focus our interest on the present.
said that, as stated in the introduction of volume, it is noted that "this book is addressed not only to anyone working in business as an entrepreneur, manager, board or employee, but also to professionals and those who, for various reasons , has the need to plan your time in view of implementation of a project. " Hold, therefore, a bit 'of your time and ... follow the advice in this text!

Monday, March 6, 2006

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As announced on Social Emotional Design Francesco Pira

opens with a preface by Prof. Antonio La Spina , an eminent sociologist, the latest book by Francesco Pira "How to Communicate Outreach" , edited by FrancoAngeli .

an essay addressed to the industry - public and private - to students of courses in Public Relations and Communication Sciences and those who attend the Master in Social Communication and Public, which aims to illustrate the tools and features Communication social. The volume
want it to be a working tool for all those involved in social issues, but also a point of origin for a wide reflection on the social communication.

In the first chapter outlines the founding principles of social communication in order to define the scope of application and identify the different actors who use this form of communication - public and nonprofit organizations -

In the second chapter level of analysis moves the concepts of "public communication" and "social communication" . They are in fact traced the features distinguishing the two types of communication by asserting in conclusione, che non si può parlare di una separazione tra i due ma, piuttosto, di punti d’incontro tra le due tipologie, riscontrabili nel contenuto. Ampio spazio viene dedicato alle esperienze più recenti ed efficaci di comunicazione sociale a cui Enti pubblici ed organizzazioni no-profit hanno dato vita, al fine di presentare al lettore una serie di case histories che siano spunto per una riflessione sul fenomeno e sulla sua evoluzione in Italia.

Il terzo capitolo è dedicato al rapporto tra non profit e imprenditoria e mira alla comprensione dei cambiamenti derivanti dall’introduzione del principio di Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa.
Vengono illustrati i concetti di “Sviluppo Sostenibile” e di “Marketing Sociale” , delineando gli ambiti di applicazione di quest’ultimo e le strategie utilizzate per la raccolta fondi, una delle attività più critiche per le organizzazioni no-profit.
Numerose le testimonianze presentate, allo scopo di offrire al lettore esempi concreti cui fare riferimento per impostare efficacemente le proprie azioni.
Particolarmente significativa la conversazione dell’autore a Bangalor, in India, con Sri Sri Ravi Shankar , animatore della Fondazione Art of Living organismo riconosciuto dall’Onu.

Nel quarto capitolo la riflessione è incentrata sul ruolo dei media e sul loro rapporto con la comunicazione sociale, sull’introduzione delle nuove tecnologie, come internet, e sul loro apporto ad una comunicazione senza intermediari lontana dai processi di newsmaking dei media tradizionali.
Particolare rilievo viene dato al giornalismo sociale, che viene presentato attraverso un percorso che va dall’esperienza capostipite di John Bird – presentata attraverso un’intervista - e del suo “The Big Issue” , per arrivare alle agenzie di stampa specializzate nella comunicazione sociale, una realtà professionale vivace ed in crescita.

L’ultimo capitolo, strettamente connesso al precedente, affronta il tema delle nuove tecnologie e di how these are changing the way people communicate.
Technological innovation is presented as a major challenge for social workers, as the process of continuous evolution in action risk of creating a "digital divide" its social initiatives in which we operate, instead, to try to eliminate disparities and to provide welfare services and the weaker segments of society.
This chapter was added to the survey, with data updated to March 2005, "Monitoring of sites non-profit made for the University of Udine and published for the first time in March 2004, an interesting food for thought on how technologies are used and which strategies are best to use.

The volume concludes with an interview with John Antwerp author and host of life stories, one of the journalists related to the social world.