This kind of dough I wanted to try some time, I do not think croissant dough because of the lack of eggs and a fair component of butter, and specifically the buttery part is almost completely replaced by yogurt and also lends itself as a basis for both sweet and savory fillings. I have tried to make the lemon curd and I think it was the right choice, the lemon curd in per se has una'alta component of eggs and sugar so I did not want an envelope too sweet, I am very pleased with the outcome. The next morning at breakfast were still fluffiest.
find the recipe here:
Tronchetti Soft stuffed with lemon curd yogurt
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Retractable Projector Mount

Sansepolcro Amal El-Cultural Center, April 10, 2010
Sitting on the carpet of the cultural center where the Muslim community finds itself in Sansepolcro to pray, talk and drink a tea, Abderrahim tells us about his life.
left his homeland, Morocco, has a deep meaning eradication, "when the plane started to take off I felt like a tree that is stripped from the earth."
In Italy, after a lonely and difficult years, found a steady job, he met what was to become his wife, two sons of which transmit the traditions and culture of his people. E 'in the community involved, active and involved.
Take advantage of the camera to take a stand about something that happened in Pieve Santo Stefano, where a Moroccan boy has created turmoil by stopping the procession of Good Friday. We would like to underline his disapproval and explain that this is not the teaching of the Koran. It speaks of respect for religions, the things that unite human beings and the differences that, if followed, do not constitute a threat.
His dream is to go back to Morocco, "but it's tough having to start all over again."
Who knows.

photo of Luigi Burroni
Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon
Abderrahim Mohamed Sanaa
Sansepolcro, 2 aprile 2010
Sanaa ci accoglie con un grande sorriso nella piccola casa dove lei stessa è ospite di una signora quasi centenaria alla quale dà assistenza.
Il suo sogno di fare la parrucchiera lo ha rinviato in attesa di migliori occasioni.
La partenza dal Marocco è il gesto di una giovane curiosa, aperta a nuove esperienze. Non si sente molto migrante, Sanaa, perché sa che tornerà.
Sembra felice e serena anche se il suo lavoro di badante non si addice alla sua giovane età e alle sue aspirazioni. Da piccola Sanaa voleva fare la hostess, poi ha studiato legge per qualche anno, ha preso il diploma di informatica e quello di parrucchiera. Le piace cucinare ed è socievole e ottimista.
Dal suo piccolo stipendio riesce a ritagliare qualcosa da mandare alla famiglia in Marocco. Lo dice sorridendo, con l'orgoglio di chi sa assumersi una responsabilità.

Sansepolcro, 2 aprile 2010
Sanaa ci accoglie con un grande sorriso nella piccola casa dove lei stessa è ospite di una signora quasi centenaria alla quale dà assistenza.
Il suo sogno di fare la parrucchiera lo ha rinviato in attesa di migliori occasioni.
La partenza dal Marocco è il gesto di una giovane curiosa, aperta a nuove esperienze. Non si sente molto migrante, Sanaa, perché sa che tornerà.
Sembra felice e serena anche se il suo lavoro di badante non si addice alla sua giovane età e alle sue aspirazioni. Da piccola Sanaa voleva fare la hostess, poi ha studiato legge per qualche anno, ha preso il diploma di informatica e quello di parrucchiera. Le piace cucinare ed è socievole e ottimista.
Dal suo piccolo stipendio riesce a ritagliare qualcosa da mandare alla famiglia in Marocco. Lo dice sorridendo, con l'orgoglio di chi sa assumersi una responsabilità.
foto di Luigi Burroni
Who Is Pattycakeonline
Sansepolcro, 17 marzo 2010
Dalla regione del Punjab nel nord dell'India, Nanny è venuta in Italia otto anni fa.
Il suo diploma di disegno le avrebbe consentito di trovare lavoro in India ma, sposa giovanissima, segue il marito e il suo destino portando con sé sua figlia Jasmeen.
In Italia Nanny trova lavoro in fabbrica e ben presto si rende conto che sarà lei a bring money home. The husband turns into a man very different from what she knew and after years of suffering Nanny decides to leave to find some 'serenity.
His world is focused on her daughter, now ten years old and have a clear idea. For Jasmeen, who loves Italy more than in India, Nanny surrender to the call of his homeland. In Sansepolcro
lives a elderly couple that takes care of her and her child. Jasmeen for they are the "grandparents" and also for Nanny now Italy is a little 'home'.

Sansepolcro, 17 marzo 2010
Dalla regione del Punjab nel nord dell'India, Nanny è venuta in Italia otto anni fa.
Il suo diploma di disegno le avrebbe consentito di trovare lavoro in India ma, sposa giovanissima, segue il marito e il suo destino portando con sé sua figlia Jasmeen.
In Italia Nanny trova lavoro in fabbrica e ben presto si rende conto che sarà lei a bring money home. The husband turns into a man very different from what she knew and after years of suffering Nanny decides to leave to find some 'serenity.
His world is focused on her daughter, now ten years old and have a clear idea. For Jasmeen, who loves Italy more than in India, Nanny surrender to the call of his homeland. In Sansepolcro
lives a elderly couple that takes care of her and her child. Jasmeen for they are the "grandparents" and also for Nanny now Italy is a little 'home'.
photo of Phil Massi
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Sd770sd1200 Comparison
Maccheroncini di Campofilone al prosciutto e limone
the march.
For every 100 grams of wheat flour is added an egg yolk.
power of the egg proteins to replace gluten, so much so that the flour does not care to Manitoba.
subtle and refined.
A unique pasta, which holds the kitchen, which is eaten on special occasions. A bit difficult to cook as it absorbs a lot of the sauce and you have to do everything in complete sync and speed. This recipe enhances the most of their flavor, try it and you will be amply satisfied.
the recipe is here:
Campofilone of macaroni with ham and lemon
the march.
For every 100 grams of wheat flour is added an egg yolk.
power of the egg proteins to replace gluten, so much so that the flour does not care to Manitoba.
subtle and refined.
A unique pasta, which holds the kitchen, which is eaten on special occasions. A bit difficult to cook as it absorbs a lot of the sauce and you have to do everything in complete sync and speed. This recipe enhances the most of their flavor, try it and you will be amply satisfied.
the recipe is here:
Campofilone of macaroni with ham and lemon
Thursday, April 8, 2010
How To Test A Generator Stator
Pizza - Crescia - Torta Pasqualina al formaggio
Pizza, cheesecake for Easter, you will find many names and many versions on the web describing the same product with minor variations of ingredients. E 'typical of the Easter period and is difficult to imagine why since: marzajole chickens, hens fetajole (the hens are a lot of eggs in March), and given the abundance of sheep's milk and formagelle first available in the market over the period of spring. But all this refers to the past, when the sterile supermarkets were not the king.
We offer one of the many versions that are around, try it, it's always delicious!
The recipe is here as usual:
Cheese Torta Pasqualina
Pizza, cheesecake for Easter, you will find many names and many versions on the web describing the same product with minor variations of ingredients. E 'typical of the Easter period and is difficult to imagine why since: marzajole chickens, hens fetajole (the hens are a lot of eggs in March), and given the abundance of sheep's milk and formagelle first available in the market over the period of spring. But all this refers to the past, when the sterile supermarkets were not the king.
We offer one of the many versions that are around, try it, it's always delicious!
The recipe is here as usual:
Cheese Torta Pasqualina
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Caribbean Timeshare Cruise
Una data da commemorare per noi abruzzesi
E 'touching that which is born from a simple telephone call between bloggers. I have not had time to make a recipe, but I could not feel bound to express my solidarity with Aquila cousins \u200b\u200bas I have defined the last year. And the memory of visiting schools containers of Barisciano My thoughts Today, because we knew that on our contributions have had school supplies for the entire year for both elementary and middle schools.
As regards the holding of the Sisters Nurzia are happy that everything is solved, you are always a trip if they would like to go to the National Park of Abruzzo on vacation this summer not regret it. The eagle
nice day!
E 'touching that which is born from a simple telephone call between bloggers. I have not had time to make a recipe, but I could not feel bound to express my solidarity with Aquila cousins \u200b\u200bas I have defined the last year. And the memory of visiting schools containers of Barisciano My thoughts Today, because we knew that on our contributions have had school supplies for the entire year for both elementary and middle schools.
As regards the holding of the Sisters Nurzia are happy that everything is solved, you are always a trip if they would like to go to the National Park of Abruzzo on vacation this summer not regret it. The eagle
nice day!
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