Monday, February 22, 2010

Words Of Sympathy For A Police Officer

Sansepolcro, February 20, 2010

at a gas station, Mohamed operates with a Romanian partner the "Bar 71".
E 'came from Tunisia 25 years ago. He tells his life, his many works, the years to Buitoni unhappily concluded with a job loss and the long protest of the 71 families left without a future.

His homeland is divided between Tunisia and Italy. As he speaks with a broad smile shows off local flags waving in the gray afternoon.

photo of Luigi Burroni

Friday, February 19, 2010

Pug Cataracts Surgery


Il Mamertino fly from Narita Airport to Makuhari Messe. The tireless Chris Puissant CEO of Tama Conseils Corp. presents the collection to VASARI SICILY Foodex 2010. The farm participates in the Vasari Foodex since 1994 claiming that his successes and rosé Mamertino Zahir reach. The dynamic wines Ruggero Vasari jr follow the trail left by his uncle Roger Vasari futurist poet well known in Japan, among other friend of the writer and futurist Togo Nagano painter whose paintings''The Man''and the balalaika ' '''The Player cards can be found in Saint Lucia del Mela. Professor Toshiharu Omuka author of''The Modern Art Movement and the Japanese Avant-Garde 1920-1927''told me that a glass of Mamertino is like reading a poem futurist.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What Are Guinea Pig Decomposer


Pieve Santo Stefano, 13 February 2010

Ruken is a young Kurdish, in Italy since 2000 as political refugees. His is a story that tells very hard with the peace of those who are convinced and aware of their choices.

The absence of freedom is one of the salient features of his story, from childhood, when he was forced to live in two cultures and two languages, a illegal indoors in the home, not to lose the traditions of the Kurdish people .

His life now is happy, has a place to live well, a companion with whom he shares the house and love for the little Zerdesht.

photo of Luigi Burroni

Have You Taken Alot Of Acetaminophen

Claudio Fabian

Città di Castello, 10 February 2010

Argentine Claudio Fabian, who fled from his country in economic crisis, while he was policeman and decided, with the
Cuni companions of insubordination of government orders.
After a separation of six months, his wife and son joined him in Italy. Here Claudio had a passion for horses and is an instructor in a gym where he teaches a particular technique

His family in Italy has grown and the dream for the future of its children is that they are right.

photo of Luigi Burroni

Reviews Of Fairfax County Gifted And Talented

Sansepolcro, February 4, 2010

In the small shop in Via
ggiunti selling kebabs, Faruk is the Lord of the scene. With his smiling face under the red cap, puts customers at ease. tells us of his faraway land, Pakistan, the theater of war, from which he left without a job.

ripple of sad zza sailing his smile when he talks of his children and his wife who remained in Pakistan. Li went to visit once a year and each time it is as if they had been ten years.

photo of Luigi Burroni

How Many Days Before Period It Gets Wet

Malik Farouk Loubna

Sansepolcro, February 4, 2010

Malik came from Pakistan. It opened in Sansepolcro a telephone and internet frequented by immigrants, which has low rates for international calls.
Above the counter, which welcomes guests, four grandi orologi a cristalli liquidi segnano lo scorrere del tempo di paesi lontani: Equador, Tunisia, Romania, Marocco.

Quanti intrecci di conversazioni, in lingue diverse tra famiglie divise, saranno transitate in quel luogo piccolo e denso di storie di passaggio.
foto di Luigi Burroni

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dr. Michael Ciaravino Complaints Plastic Surgery

martedì 2 febbraio 2010

Loubna ci aspetta nella sede della Protezione Civile del Trebbio, a Sansepolcro, dove fa volontariato. Ci accompagna a home. The walls, painted by her, are green and orange, the same color of the couch.

tells us about his life, separation from his homeland, his double migration from Morocco to Milan and from Milan to the Tiber ...

Then there brings to the home of his sister Fatima who prepared us for sweets, dried fruit and much tea, served as a technical expert with Loubna, who enchants us.

photo of Luigi Burroni