Friday, December 10, 2010

Squematics Images From Hiatal Hernia

Collemoro Resort

evening in the kitchen of Collemoro Resort Montesilvano (link here) .

The Duck Magra proposed this menu for a banquet on the premises of Collemoro Resort Montesilvano (Pe) with the careful and wise direction of Antonio and Andrea, the holders of the structure:

drink / appetizer buffet
Quiche with spinach and sausage
escarole pie with tomato sauce and crunchy pine nuts (recipe here)
winter barley vaccine seasoned with slivers of smoked
First Course
Ravioli stuffed saddle of rabbit with rosemary and Parmesan cheese sauce
Seconds with vegetables
turkey with grapes and chestnuts
Potatoes Lard and fennel Arnaud
calcionetti with chickpea flour
Petit Parrozzini
Tarallucci grape jam (recipe here)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wedding Punch Recipe Fountain

herbs - herbs - wild herbs

This is the presentation of a new sport or a new way to gym. Gather wild herbs and then in cucinarsele pan.
How could we call this new sport? Feel good common sense. This is perhaps the more correct name. Look for a field that is far different from pollution, make us a nice walk with a boxcutter and a canvas bag.

The field is an ideal or an old pasture or alfalfa erbaio. In this area of \u200b\u200bthe seeds dispersed in spring salad endive, Swiss chard, chicory and various seeds to leave. Good things are always in need of calm and the time required. Vigorous re-growth of seedlings and you can pick up with the other wild herbs to get us a side of tasty and healthy herbs.

Obviously the wild herbs are not the same all over Italy, we say that these apply to the Centre and which are very common. We have trampled dozens of times without knowing how good and rich in minerals and vitamins. We will find the seeds of dandelion, endive of wild chicory and red light and other herbs which you can see an example in the photos.

must be said, then, that the height of the environmental beauty of this post. the water in the cooking of the herbs should not be totally thrown, but it used to be cool to fertilize with dissolved minerals your plants on the terrace or garden.

How can later try to classify and give a name and a better photo to the most common herbs that can be harvested in the fields.
The recipe is here.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cubefield Not Patched

Chili peppers in oil

If we want to fantasize, a little scary in this picture seem to many robot of a science fiction movie.

Instead, they are very spicy but delicious peppers to be stuffed.

shame that we have not had time to sterilize the jars.
are already over!

Click here for the recipe.

Monday, November 22, 2010

River Rock Resort And Casino

Wine Festival Mamertino Nero d'Avola DOC

Sunday Sunday, November 28, 2010 in Saint Lucia del Mela is held the third edition of the Festival of Mamertino DOC, Sicilian wine, is known since the time of Roman Emperor is in fact nicknamed the wine. The day is dedicated to wine quality local wines and certificates of the area where tastings and tours will be the backdrop to the festival. Protagonist event is the Mamertino doc, and refined wine with an ancient tradition dating back to the Romans, much exported abroad. The festival aims to promote the area through the quality of food and wine and cultural tourism, an area that has a precisely large-scale production of quality wines known in much of the world.Omega 'event is organized by the municipality of Saint Lucia del Mela and associations "Roads and wine routes", "", under the patronage of the Province of Messina Councillor for Agriculture of the Sicilian Region.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Afghan Invitation Card For Wedding

A Life Uncorked: Mamertino

A Life Uncorked: Mamertino

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Connect Xbox To Reciever Sound Skips

* MEI [MEIGA] entries

Greek Frederick's documentary premiered in Pieve Santo Stefano on September 10 last year.

* MEI [MEIGA] entries migrants

with Claudio Fabian, Ruken Kasirga, Loubna Cherkaoui Sellami, Mohamed Sassi
, Marianna Baesu

and a special appearance by Saverio Tutino
narrator Andrea Biagiotti
written and directed by Federico Greek

production Diary Archive Foundation National Pieve Santo Stefano, Metamultimedia, No-Mad, Protezione Civile di Sansepolcro
con il contributo di Cesvot, Uncem Toscana, Regione Toscana

produzione esecutiva Filippo Massi
fotografia e montaggio Federico Greco
musica originale Angelo Vitaliano
riprese Federico Greco, Giovanni Pierangeli, Giuliano Braga
suono Simone Tizzi
consulenza Loretta Veri, Natalia Cangi
mezzi tecnici Metamultimedia, Cineteatro Roma
traduzioni e adattamento sottotitoli Sabrina Fraternali, Simone Tizzi
fotografo di scena Luigi Burroni
ricerche repertorio Orsola Sinisi, Giovanni Pierangeli
durata 50'
Italia 2010

Quattro voci diverse da quattro paesi diversi: Tunisia, Argentina, Kurdistan, Marocco. And a fifth, which gathers all the "notes" from a unique perspective. Voices of immigration from distant countries and cultures, all linked by a demand: the freedom to live their lives and communicate their ideas, with pain at the cost of uprooting from the land of origin. And with a second common trait: the choice of the Tiber Valley as the place to start. The etymological dictionary says the word "immigration" comes from the root MEI [MEIGA], meaning "gift exchange", the exact opposite of what we often think "they" do not come to steal our jobs. Neither women. Or to impose a different religion. They come to tell stories of lives lived hard. Our
are the same?
Federico Greek

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Buying A Laptop In Calgary

Mamertino VASARI DOC continued to reap success. Even

Offered at the Palace of the Normans in Palermo during the buffet that followed the inauguration of a photographic exhibition "ATTR Ʌ verse.

The exhibition - the artist's personal and journalist John Palermo Pepi - staged in the halls of the Duke of Montalto Norman Palace, was inaugurated Friday, October 22, 2010, the Honourable Frank Cascio, President of the Regional Sicily.
The opening night, followed by a large audience, saw the interest not only for the beautiful and interesting photo exhibit that captures the reality of Palermo, but also for the DOC wine Mamertino Vasari, both white and red, offered during the buffet, held under the arcades of the atrium Palace, which to get Paladina Chapel. Wine well appreciated by participants and by the same John who thanked Dr. Pepi Vasari on the wine offered giving him an autographed copy of the book "Through", published by the Fondazione Federico II, which contains the photographs of the exhibition of the journalist Palermo.

The exhibition through will be open until November 10 in the halls of the Duke of Montalto Norman Palace in Palermo, from Monday to Saturday from 08:15 to 17:45, Sunday and holidays from 08:15 to 13:00.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Best Hd Camcorder $ 400

Last pesto - Mafalda - Trenette - Trofie with potatoes and green beans with pesto - Mafalda - Trofie to

This is our basil on the terrace.
Maybe it's the last pitch for this year. Or I can do a few more jar in a week or two. If good weather holds, of course.

Perhaps, according to the Ligurian pesto is too late, but here in Abruzzo il clima è più mite e dolce e ci permette una fioritura più prolungata  rispetto alle longitudini e latitudini della Liguria.

Fatto sta, che ancora si può fare il pesto e stavolta lo proponiamo con una ricetta poverissima ma ricca di sapore e gusto. Uno dei grandi piatti della Liguria.

Mafalde, Trofie o Trenette con patate, fagiolini e pesto.

Usate materia prima di altissima qualità. meglio se biologica, oppure coltivata da voi o da conoscenti di fiducia. La povertà degli ingredienti, come sempre, in cucina arricchisce il gusto e l'insieme del piatto.
La ricetta è qui.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thin Workstation Linux

Ligure Focaccia Genovese - Pasta Focaccia scrocchiarella

 Si potrebbe tentare di fare un sondaggio sull'uso neutrale o con farcitura di questa delizia che nel mondo alimentare non ha eguali, tanto è appetitosa. Ma otterremo, anche se il sondaggio fosse ragionato e scientifico, solo una caterva di dati diversi per ognuno di noi tanto è buona, prestante e sociale questa specie di pizza che pizza non è e pane che pane non è.
Appena sfornata è buona, ovviamente, ma raggiunge criteri di assoluta incoerenza cerebrale dopo more than two days and was fired. Remaining soft, but intostita, dried and superb for a sandwich or snack and can be used as an aperitif.
stuffed with roasted tomatoes, field greens sautéed, lettuce, salami, grilled chicken breast, roast beef, cheese, dry and moist, with nothing and still it's really unbeatable. Preparatene little, you will always find an excuse to present it again.

The recipe is here.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Where Can I Find Big Lollipops In Toronto


The brioche (or brioche ) is a sweet leavened and baked, sometimes filled with cream or whatever. The main ingredients are flour, the eggs, butter and yeast. For the filling creams are the most popular jam, pastry cream and chocolate sauce (source: Wikipedia). I took this exact Wikipedia definition because it is the magic of simple ingredients so that the elements are transformed to create another one, going by smell, and then on the palate, a fresh heartened spent Sunday at the end of September at home taking care of the various stages of fermentation.
find the recipe here.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mother Birthday Cakes


Remember the capon? That capon midsummer? ( is here )
gloriously used for a single stock for passatelli. Succeeded very well, so it's better if you can repeat over and outstanding flavor.
Passatelli are basically a brilliant balance of bread and cheese held together the egg flavored with nutmeg and lemon peel.
dish par excellence of the most important festivals and celebrations, is the pot used in soup on the menu for Christmas and beyond.
find the recipe here.

(Wikipedia: The dish, which is mentioned in the recipe dell'Artusi, discende probabilmente dalla "tardura", minestra di uova, formaggio e pangrattato ricordata da Michele Placucci , tradizionalmente servita alle puerpere.)
Regioni: Emilia-Romagna , Marche
Zona di produzione: Emilia, Romagna, Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino

Le varianti utilizzate ormai sono molteplici, si mangiano in brodo ma anche asciutti e si è raggiunto un equilibrio dell'impasto tale da essere anche utilizzati per produzioni semi industriali. Per avere maggior consistenza e "robustezza" tali da essere utilizzati anche dry is recommended to use a pinch of flour and egg yolks instead of whole eggs that we use to passatelli in stock. For main courses are recommended
truffles, mushrooms, bacon and seafood and comic rock, with cuttlefish and squid with vegetables. In short, to a dish eaten only on holidays now you can eat as many times as if they recognize the goodness and the desire to eat.

Tools used:

Tool for passatelli (with potato masher of the finer holes) used in low-Romagna and Marche high ( ). Tool very similar to that used for sp ä tzle in Trentino

Tool for passatelli , used in the rest of Emilia Romagna ( )

Monday, September 6, 2010

How Do You Register A Trailer In Ontario

RAOUL BOVA like wine MAMERTINO DOC Azienda Agricola Vasari

Mamertino Azienda Agricola Vasari Milazzo plays at home and welcome to artists, actors, directors and personalities. Directed by Paul Reali an exceptional actor Raoul Bova as a Dolphin,''in''could not miss an appointment with an authentic DOC produced in the hills of Saint Lucia del Mela.

actor Raoul Bova with the Lords owners Sofia Hotel La Bussola di Milazzo in the dining room where he tasted the delicious traditional dishes and typical wine Mamertino Milazzo DOC Azienda Agricola Vasari of Saint Lucia del Mela.

Plus Size Bondage Pants

end of August, and the hell of Source Vetica arrosticini

End of August 2010.
30 degrees in the house in the morning. We decided to go al fresco. Maybe too cool perchè alle 11 di mattina c'erano 11 gradi scarsi. Vento secco che taglia le orecchie per via dei 1.600 metri di altezza. Oggi non si cucina e ci affidiamo alla griglia di uno spaccio. Le solite idee di Donatella.

  (La mappa per arrivarci è qui)

La Piana di Fonte Vetica è lunare, senza un albero, nè un arbusto e solo con erba bassa. Ci hanno ambientato diversi film Western e davvero lo ricorda il selvaggio West (Wild Wild West). E poi Campo Imperatore è a meno di 20 km, quindi è tutto un dire sul posto.
Ma lo spaccio di arrosticini, formaggi, salumi e carne da grilling seems to be there for those who had the idea to escape from the heat and civil life of the city. From the outside it looks like a shop of the Wild West, it seems the gap in reserves of the Indian tribes, but inside is a nice shop, with cold rooms and lots of counter fridge. Already
from 11.30 illuminate the typical "fornacelle" for kebabs and hell takes shape. Here, at 1,600 meters above sea level you can see that the sky is an area that seems to crush you, you can understand what people around you. German, English and Italian and several provinces of Abruzzi, of course. No matter if you locked up before the evening again in an apartment, here are all part of the plain of Source Vetica in Wild West.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Blueprints For A Simple Desk

New Zealand and the bridegroom is a chef!

We have been contacted by the agency for Regency San Marino by Valentina Valentini Artenova (miscellaneous Wedding Planner) for a service kitchen at home in that of Ponzano di Fermo (AP) at the Holidays "Pomegranate" ( can be found here) , we accepted and we started to arrange the menu with the agency and the wedding.

The bride and groom are from New Zealand and relatives from England. So far nothing objectionable not that we come to know the day of the ceremony that the groom is a well-known restaurant chefs island of New Zealand.
No agitation or nervousness, Duck Slim is quiet and seduces everyone with a menu tailored to the bride and groom, very unusual for these areas. The chef has been fascinated by the ravioli of rabbit saddle and at the end of the party congratulated us personally. The Duck Slim at the end of the festival was among the guests relaxed with coffee and anise, explaining the recipes, customs and curiosities. Smiling, the puns Inglese typically the father of the bride to bestow on all.
Nice party, informal, beautiful people and a good service at the end of cooking at home in a dell'Agriturist like the "Pomegranate" truly magnificent. Splendid views, tranquility, meadows and a great desire to do well by the management structure that has hosted the ceremony.

The menu has been agreed and published this:
eggplant carpaccio with balsamic vinegar flavored with oregano
(Thinly sliced eggplant with oil, balsamic vinegar and oregano)
Diced fresh tomatoes with croutons and ciauscolo
(Diced fresh tomatos with a crouton and local salami)
Spiedini di alici marinate e olive farcite
(Marinated anchovy and stuffed olive kebab)
Mazzetti di asparagi e speck in cestino croccante
(Asparagus wrapped in speck in a crunchy basket)
Flan di zucchine con concassè di pomodoro
(Zucchini flan with tomatos)
Scrigni di sfoglia con funghi misti e patè di fegatini
(Wild mushroom and liver pate with pastry)
First Course
Cannelloni with spinach and ricotta
(Spinach and ricotta cannelloni)
ravioli with rabbit and rosemary
(ravioli with rabbit and rosemary)
Seconds and Stroke
Arista pork roast pork with scalloped potatoes and fresh onions
( Rolled roast pork loin with an onion and potato cake)
Sgroppino lemon
(Lemon sherbet)
Cuttlefish salad and green beans with lemon
(Cuttlefish salad and green beans with lemon)
Fruit Dessert
baked peaches stuffed with glass of lemon cream
(Baked peach with a lemon cream)

Blood Blisters Throat


It offers the opportunity to relax in the chirping of birds in the farm Azienda Agricola Vasari of Saint Lucia del Mela (ME), hilltop village offering very well from of historical-architectural and cultural heritage as a city of art in churches and that castle you can admire the works of sculptural and the pictorial Gagini of Caravaggio. All this without forgetting the good food typical of Messina, which is accompanied good wine DOC Mamertino also known as Emperor because wine preferred by Julius Caesar. For those who love sports to play tennis and soccer (field 100 meters away) for people who love the woods are possible routes leading to the pond Postoleone to over 1100 meters high. Who likes to laze can also sunbathe on the solarium where you can enjoy the magnificent view of Capo Milazzo and the sea dotted by islands Eolie.L 'farm consists of a double bedroom with bathroom and a two-room apartment with 4 beds + bathroom .- The type of treatment is room only on request and accommodation in B & B

The farm has a double room with bathroom and an apartment (4 persons) apartment with a bathroom, the rooms all recently refurbished in the quiet hill luciese where you can enjoy the panorama of Capo Milazzo and the Aeolian Islands

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wallpaper Stick Fish South Park

Life and proof of capon Capon Christmas

Bello, androgynous, glossy feathers and long, ridge cut, almost 130 days of life, free-range, long leg, male and very little capon. These are the features that are immediately noticeable good looking bird.
Lives of dirt on strictly organic, free-range capon is among herbs, stones and a beautiful space available to it for him and four other colleagues capons of 90 days, ready for the tortellini of the Christmas season.
One is bred Red Grey, is a spotted black and three are reddish feathered like this. They are bred in the open air, on land, protected from foxes and weasels and then finish cooking boiled arrosto.La test will be, within days, boiled for a half-carcass and half carcass to finish a roast. Follow detailed account of the story with flesh, texture and flavor of the recipe made.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Flooring A V Bottom Boat

were e-books, many free e-book for the summer

e' il mio racconto

This summer technology us even under the umbrella. With the spread of smartphones, the e-reader, and the child dell'iPad iPhone4, more and more people are looking for applications, games and e-books to distract them and pursue their own interests.
software extensions are becoming more easily available online, except for e-books, a market in which Italy, unlike other countries, occupies the last position.

For this, the writer MariaGiovanna Luini, author of several novels already published on paper, has designed "were e-book, an e-book for the summer" . Through
un gruppo su Facebook creato per l'occasione, gli utenti possono condividere i propri e-book gratis o segnalarne di interessanti .

L'e-book che ha dato il via all'iniziativa dell'estate è "E' il mio racconto" di MariaGiovanna Luini , un'intrigante storia di donne la cui vita viene sconvolta da un inatteso sconosciuto.
"E' il mio racconto" sarà scaricabile dagli utenti, gratuitamente, dal gruppo Facebook legato all'iniziativa oppure cliccando qui
Lo scopo di "e-state book" è quello di diffondere la cultura digitale e dare l'opportunità a chiunque di leggere un buon libro , anche dal proprio computer, senza l'obbligo di acquistarlo .


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Prescription Canker Sore Medicine

panure - breadcrumbs - the grilled tomatoes and eggplant

Quanta plenty of vegetables in this period, at a good price, to the best of their nutritional qualities and full of flavor.
may seem trivial, even obvious, but with a post telling of these vegetables and this way of eating is a tribute to good home cooking and summer. The recipe
panure / breading here: (Recipe)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Who Sells Coast Dresses

Scenes from a Marriage, the ducks and other stories lean

all started with an e-mail, where these two guys in the photo, they asked us for an estimate of a buffet menu for a wedding. Virtually ended with the couple who were happily married and their guests filled the course chosen and cooked for them.
For our part we did that incorporate their wishes, without first preparing and cooking them does not experience the size of the weights, the weights of the recipe, the firing tests and calculating the provision for the buffet. Because this is the story of Duck Magra. Our passion.

Matrimonio Marco e Mariangela
 Complicati ma semplici, informali ma formali, insomma tutto è passato sotto la loro scelta e il loro punto di vista ed è stato un vero piacere lavorare per questi due amabili sposini.
Belli e giovani, dannatamente magri e svegli, la papera magra attende il cd delle foto della numerosa prole che arriverà.
Tanti auguri, ragazzi.

Questo era il menu elaborato per la cerimonia:

Potato salad
cruditè di verdure in pinzimonio con tre salse
pieces of flat bread stuffed with meats and sauces
sangria we produce
ventricina Abruzzo
cheese quiche (recipe HERE)
Danube savory stuffed
First Course
Timballo Teramana
Ring rice
quiche with herbs
scacce Ragusa with escarole, sausage and herbs
spinach pie
onion pie Ligurian
Main courses
Sliced \u200b\u200bbeef with pesto, rocket and cherry tomatoes
roast beef with two sauces
blacks beans with tomatoes and avocado concassé
focaccia Slices (onion, rosemary, eggplant, tomato, etc.)
tarallucci salted bread
dessert and fruit-cake
Macedonia cream vanilla cake

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Swollen Eyes After Crying

Magra The duck and the Irish who want to make pasta

I think the world is upside down, is undergoing a culinary revolution and culture that is pleasantly disconcerting to say the least.
Even the Irish want to learn to make pasta and I love our kitchen.
They came from a small town east of Dublin in a remote hut in the mountains of Abruzzo Majella Caramanico Spa, guests of our partner Alessandra, owner of the Hen House Residence here and demanded, successfully, to learn how to make pasta alla chitarra and rolling dough.

landscape Decontra - Caramanico Terme (PE)

The three girls were curious and pleasantly with their mother, have contacted us and have chosen a menu of all respect, seeking to work personally, to see, to hear how the dough should be done and how it becomes a paste. The menu they have chosen is this:

The girls pull out the dough and pass it on guitar.

The beautiful Irish were affected by the difference between the central and northern Italy pasta made with wheat flour and egg yolk and southern Italy made from durum wheat and water. We managed to understand then the difference between the two types of dough, and why the area is also linked to its ingredients, its different climates and temperatures between north and south Italy.
very manual, very curious and brave girls who wanted to learn for themselves how to prepare pasta advantage of the talent of Donald and his "Savoire faire" with those who want to learn the secrets of the meal.

La pasta al "rintrocilo" condita con pesto,  capperi e pomodori

E finalmente si assaggia tutti assieme.

Grazie ancora da parte nostra dello scambio culturale, emozionale e umano che sovente accade in questi incontri professionali dove al centro c'è la passione per il buon cibo e una cucina piena di buon senso.
A presto e ... viva l'Irlanda!