We four (!) Talk. Now it is time to find out how to be astonished. I've heard, tasted, loved and followed the slow ripening of my Mamertino Riserva 2006, aged for two years in cask n ° 41. The smell of fermentation and their evolution in oak barrels, his calls to be cared for, pampered, to be tasted, night raids in my cellar with a glass button aromatic sensations, our conversations with words steeped in silent complicity nice . All is over!. And so you went to my reserve bottle 2006 with a mix of history and myth and you moved away with your style for us all to dream. Quite rightly, you get the wines in the collection of Julius Caesar.
Roger Mamertino Riserva 2006 and will be happy to host the true lovers of a good glass for a tasting in the company