From the guide of the best wines 2010 Luca Maroni
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Rabbit Cages Mega Sale
II Festival Mamertino DOC

La Sagra del Mamertino Doc si svolge a Santa Lucia del Mela - Messina il 25 ottobre 2009.
Il Mamertino Doc, vino siciliano, è conosciuto sin dai tempi dei Romani infatti è sopranominato il vino dell’Imperatore.
Il Mamertino Doc, vino siciliano, è conosciuto sin dai tempi dei Romani infatti è sopranominato il vino dell’Imperatore.
Degustazione guidata con abbinamenti vini.
IL 18 ottobre 2009 a Ficarra -ME- Festival del Mamertino DOC

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Billy Elliot Quotes Esquire
Silvia è una scrittrice che vive sola per scelta e non ha mai sofferto per amore. La sua esistenza non conforme ai cliché, libera e piena di soddisfazione, viene travolta all'improvviso da un abbandono: Marcello, l'uomo che è riuscito a farle provare emozioni totali, si allontana senza spiegazione. O forse con decine di spiegazioni plausibili, che si confondono e perdono consistenza di fronte al silenzio e al niente di giorni vuoti. E Silvia cade nel baratro della depression, despite the presence of a friend and a sincere man who met on a plane, involves her in a relationship of friendship shades highly erotic. His love for Marcello was socially wrong, a love that no one could agree, but the pain is deep and absolute. This story is the vision of love from the perspective of those who usurp and apparently lost, but it is also a dive in the daily horror of helpless depression, depression that can catch even the strongest woman and realized, like a brutal joke of life against which it is impossible to defend.
Silvia è una scrittrice che vive sola per scelta e non ha mai sofferto per amore. La sua esistenza non conforme ai cliché, libera e piena di soddisfazione, viene travolta all'improvviso da un abbandono: Marcello, l'uomo che è riuscito a farle provare emozioni totali, si allontana senza spiegazione. O forse con decine di spiegazioni plausibili, che si confondono e perdono consistenza di fronte al silenzio e al niente di giorni vuoti. E Silvia cade nel baratro della depression, despite the presence of a friend and a sincere man who met on a plane, involves her in a relationship of friendship shades highly erotic. His love for Marcello was socially wrong, a love that no one could agree, but the pain is deep and absolute. This story is the vision of love from the perspective of those who usurp and apparently lost, but it is also a dive in the daily horror of helpless depression, depression that can catch even the strongest woman and realized, like a brutal joke of life against which it is impossible to defend.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Barcelona Drinking Age
We expect the Reserve Mamertino
Roger Mamertino Riserva 2006 and will be happy to host the true lovers of a good glass for a tasting in the company

We four (!) Talk. Now it is time to find out how to be astonished. I've heard, tasted, loved and followed the slow ripening of my Mamertino Riserva 2006, aged for two years in cask n ° 41. The smell of fermentation and their evolution in oak barrels, his calls to be cared for, pampered, to be tasted, night raids in my cellar with a glass button aromatic sensations, our conversations with words steeped in silent complicity nice . All is over!. And so you went to my reserve bottle 2006 with a mix of history and myth and you moved away with your style for us all to dream. Quite rightly, you get the wines in the collection of Julius Caesar.
Roger Mamertino Riserva 2006 and will be happy to host the true lovers of a good glass for a tasting in the company
Names Of The Themes For College Fest
London 2006: The Triumph of Mamertino
not a rugby match, a tournament of cricket or polo match, a large reception held May 21, 2009 in London by the Italian ambassador Giancarlo Aragona,
in the sumptuous halls of the Italian Embassy in Grovenor London Square for the presentation of the elite wines of the Giulio Cesare collection launched Ruggero Vasari and Count Paul of Greansted.
Mamertino, favorite wine from the great Roman leader, produced by Ruggero Vasari in his vineyards of Saint Lucia del Mela met the favor of the undisputed choice guests. There were no members of the City of London finance and the aristocracy, sports stars and entertainment industry representatives and famous made in Italy. Among others, the champion rugby Dallolio Lawrence, Allan Lamb English criket team, the musician Sebastian. A. Nastasi-Grace, Richard Madely of JP Morgan, Julia Harding MW of the publishing house Robinson, Tim Atkin MW and taster. At the sound of a harp between velvet sofas and the chef prepared amusegueule Giandomenico were served in a sequence of combinations Mamertino White 2008, Red Mamertino 2007, Mamertino Nero d'Avola 2007, Timpson Mamertino Cru 2006 and Mamertino Family Reserve 2006. As the entrée fragrant and soothing rose Zahir the Unforgettable.
Mamertino, favorite wine from the great Roman leader, produced by Ruggero Vasari in his vineyards of Saint Lucia del Mela met the favor of the undisputed choice guests. There were no members of the City of London finance and the aristocracy, sports stars and entertainment industry representatives and famous made in Italy. Among others, the champion rugby Dallolio Lawrence, Allan Lamb English criket team, the musician Sebastian. A. Nastasi-Grace, Richard Madely of JP Morgan, Julia Harding MW of the publishing house Robinson, Tim Atkin MW and taster. At the sound of a harp between velvet sofas and the chef prepared amusegueule Giandomenico were served in a sequence of combinations Mamertino White 2008, Red Mamertino 2007, Mamertino Nero d'Avola 2007, Timpson Mamertino Cru 2006 and Mamertino Family Reserve 2006. As the entrée fragrant and soothing rose Zahir the Unforgettable.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sprites Pokemon Heart And Gold
Cocktails with Zahir
I promised you that I still experimented with new cocktails, and so along with Chef Valentino's Fata Morgana we suggest:
Zahir Mermaid
1 / 2 Zahir
rose 1 / 4
Bitter Campari 1 / 4 Dry Martini
scecherare with orange peel and serve with a slice of citrus.
Zahir Tropical
1 / 2 Zahir
Rosé 1 / 4
Prosecco 1 / 4 maracugia
scecherare juice and serve cold with a mint leaf
I promised you that I still experimented with new cocktails, and so along with Chef Valentino's Fata Morgana we suggest:
Zahir Mermaid
1 / 2 Zahir
rose 1 / 4
Bitter Campari 1 / 4 Dry Martini
scecherare with orange peel and serve with a slice of citrus.
Zahir Tropical
1 / 2 Zahir
Rosé 1 / 4
Prosecco 1 / 4 maracugia
scecherare juice and serve cold with a mint leaf
Monday, February 9, 2009
Imako Cosmetic Teeth For Weddings
Rosé Wine Guide Italian Nero d'Avola and
I love cocktails and you know why? I know how it starts but I do not know how it ends! And so I propose two wine-based drinks rose Zahir that do well in winter and summer, let's say that you can enjoy in all seasons. My experiments with a proven barmen are changing and soon ve ne segnalerò degli altri.
Zahir Selvaggio
1/2 Zahir Rosè
1/2 Prosecco
In un bicchiere da long drink mettete una fettina di limone o meglio lime e una di arancia , aggiungete un cucchiaino di zucchero d'uva Vasari e cubetti di ghiaccio , mescolate e versate lo Zahir Rosè colmate con il prosecco e guarnite con foglie di rosa. Chic, elegante, delicato .
Zahir Frizz
1/2 Zahir Rosè
1/2 Soda
In un bicchiere da long drink . Riempite con cubetti di ghiaccio per la metà aggiungete lo Zahir Rosè e colmate con la soda . Rinfrescante e piacevole .
Lo Zahir Rosé 2007 Vasari was classified by Italian Wine Guide by Luca Maroni one of the best Italian rosé. Zahir is an unforgettable rose wine made from grapes of the Nero d 'Avola, the scent of his credit: a vibrant forest fruit balanced, powerful, great density, the allure of great taste and aroma. E Maroni continues''a rose of great value then, not much and not only dense and glycerin extract, and softly enveloping not only determined, but mostly intact, clean, never in his turgid smoky and sovraevoluto primarily fruity aroma well.''

Zahir Selvaggio
1/2 Zahir Rosè
1/2 Prosecco
In un bicchiere da long drink mettete una fettina di limone o meglio lime e una di arancia , aggiungete un cucchiaino di zucchero d'uva Vasari e cubetti di ghiaccio , mescolate e versate lo Zahir Rosè colmate con il prosecco e guarnite con foglie di rosa. Chic, elegante, delicato .
Zahir Frizz
1/2 Zahir Rosè
1/2 Soda
In un bicchiere da long drink . Riempite con cubetti di ghiaccio per la metà aggiungete lo Zahir Rosè e colmate con la soda . Rinfrescante e piacevole .
Lo Zahir Rosé 2007 Vasari was classified by Italian Wine Guide by Luca Maroni one of the best Italian rosé. Zahir is an unforgettable rose wine made from grapes of the Nero d 'Avola, the scent of his credit: a vibrant forest fruit balanced, powerful, great density, the allure of great taste and aroma. E Maroni continues''a rose of great value then, not much and not only dense and glycerin extract, and softly enveloping not only determined, but mostly intact, clean, never in his turgid smoky and sovraevoluto primarily fruity aroma well.''
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Japanese Scence Clothing
Nero d'Avola is, without doubt, the most famous Sicilian table wine worldwide. Its commercialization on an industrial scale dates from the early sixties of last century. Until then, it was considered a blending wine because of its high alcohol content that can easily reach 15 degrees. Only at the beginning of the decade 1960, some wineries decided to make a Sicilian table wine, creating a variation of grape, which provided a decrease in sugar content and an increase in acidity. Since then, the high quality of product has emerged, first in Italy and then throughout the world, and today after the first trials is also grown increasingly out of Sicily and Italy, for example, in California. The Sicilian producers, who bottle Nero d'Avola, in its various types, about five hundred. The Mamertino is produced with 90% grape Nero d'Avola and 10% of grapes Nocera.
Nero d'Avola is, without doubt, the most famous Sicilian table wine worldwide. Its commercialization on an industrial scale dates from the early sixties of last century. Until then, it was considered a blending wine because of its high alcohol content that can easily reach 15 degrees. Only at the beginning of the decade 1960, some wineries decided to make a Sicilian table wine, creating a variation of grape, which provided a decrease in sugar content and an increase in acidity. Since then, the high quality of product has emerged, first in Italy and then throughout the world, and today after the first trials is also grown increasingly out of Sicily and Italy, for example, in California. The Sicilian producers, who bottle Nero d'Avola, in its various types, about five hundred. The Mamertino is produced with 90% grape Nero d'Avola and 10% of grapes Nocera.
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