Modia, the first fashion magazine Neapolitan
Tomorrow Thursday, May 25 at 20:30 the presentation of the number zero Modia, the first magazine dedicated to the Neapolitan fashion
Naples May 24, 2006. There are only three hundred exclusive invitations to present the elite of fashion and made in Campania, tomorrow Thursday, May 25 at 20:30, Modia the number zero, the new fashion magazine Mondragone Polo Fashion Foundation of the Campania Region.
attended the event, which will take place in the gardens of the Foundation Mondragone (Piazzetta Mondragone 18), Elena Perrella, Special Commissioner and Director of the Foundation Mondragone Modia designer Ernesto Esposito and managing editor of the magazine and Fausto Sarli which is a dedicated service Photo of this first issue.
"Modia-born Elena said Perrella, Special Commissioner of Mondragone Foundation and director of the new magazine-not only by the desire to communicate the work that the Foundation plays in promoting the culture of fashion in Naples, but also to highlight i numerosi aspetti che rendono la nostra città tanto unica. Si sentiva ormai da tempo la necessità di colmare quel vuoto editoriale dovuto alla mancanza di una pubblicazione specializzata che raccontasse in maniera moderna il Made in Campania. Coniugando l’identità napoletana allo spirito internazionale che da sempre caratterizza la nostra moda, Modia vuole essere uno strumento della Fondazione Mondragone al servizio dell’intero sistema moda.”
“La scelta di vivere ancora a Napoli, accettando tutte le difficoltà che questo comporta, è la dimostrazione di quanto io ami la mia città e creda nelle sue potenzialità. -dichiara Ernesto Esposito, stilista di fama internazionale e caporedattore della rivista- “In Modia ho visto da subito un progetto vincente e sono stato ben lieto di mettere a sua disposizione tutta la mia esperienza.”
La rivista:
Il servizio di apertura di Modia è dedicato alla riscoperta di un personaggio la cui storia è stata profondamente legata all’isola di Capri, Irene Galitzine l’inventrice del Pijama Palazzo. Alla sua vita ed alle sue creazioni la Fondazione Mondragone dedicherà una mostra che verrà inaugurata 15 giugno.
Nei servizi fotografici emerge un moderno spaccato dello stile e del gusto Made in Naples. Dai grandi nomi della moda come Fausto Sarli i cui abiti, che fanno parte della collezione permanente dalla Fondazione Mondragone, sono immortalati nelle suites disegnate da Jo Ponti dell’Hotel Royal di Napoli, alle creazioni dei nuovi artisti emergenti, come la giovanissima creatrice del brand Zero Stigmata.
Grande attenzione anche ai fenomeni artistici e culturali: pubblicate in questo primo numero sei pagine dedicate alle foto del famoso artista Matt Collishaw esposte presso la galleria Raucci/Santamaria di Napoli.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
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When women have the moon. Beliefs and taboos
Il libro
In questo libro l’autrice intende partire dalla tesi secondo la quale la medicalizzazione rappresenta una delle forme di controllo del corpo femminile presente nelle società occidentali. Gianfranca Ranisio si chiede se e in che modo questa prospettiva di medicalizzazione si stia estendendo alle tappe fisiologiche che contraddistinguono la vita delle donne, dal menarca alla menopausa. Indeed, what was formerly left to the management of women, what it referred to a different perception of time, with its moments allowed and prohibited, no longer exists: to undo hardships and sufferings operative medication. These stages are seen as a disease to treat, because time escape the hectic pace of everyday life and is difficult to combine with the models that the company is asking us to pursue. The woman's blood is full of symbolic value, its mere presence is perceived as a distinguishing feature, structure, and enhances sexual difference, an experience that, as women, we can not escape, but also restraint hold. The repetitiveness of the experience induce the woman to "feel" sharply his own body, to feel your physiology and at the same time, the psychological processes by this determination. The frequency of cyclic menstruation establishing a close link between the female life and the moon, which is why it dominates the plot of the text, this bond also stem from the belief that you believe in the influence exercised on the life of the moon Woman with the changing of its phases. Based on witness accounts, of women and comparing these with anthropological theories on the subject, the author highlights the complex relationship in the lives of women between the lived experience, cultural representations and stories that describe them. Emerge from these testimonies, family dynamics and relationships between generations and, with these, the importance of female lineages, which are also lines of transmission of knowledge and powers.
Tuesday, May 16 presentation of "When women have the moon. Beliefs and taboos "
the presentation of the new book anthropologist Gianfranca Ranis participate Enrica Amaturo, Rosetta Pope, Amalia Signorelli, Joan Petrillo and Esther Basile
" Sooner or later all the girls fall down stairs "begins when women are the moon . Beliefs and taboos, the last book published by anthropologist Gianfranca Ranis Baldini Castoldi Dalai (16 €, 214 pages), which will be presented in Naples Tuesday, May 16 to 17 at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies (Via Monte di Dio 14).
speakers at the presentation to the Dean of the Faculty of Sociology, University of Naples Federico II Enrica Amaturo, gynecology and manager of the mother-child ASL Napoli 1 Rosetta Pope, social psychology and anthropology Giovanna Petrillo Amalia Signorelli. Moderator of the meeting will be the President of Eleonora Pimentel Lopez De Leon Basile Esther. The author
Gianfranca Ranis is Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University Naples 'Federico II'. She has been involved in practices, rituals and forms of popular devotion, especially in the South. Investigated the meaning and symbolic representations that accompany the stages of female life and in particular has studied the anthropological scene of childbirth, making it emerged practices and cultural codes. His works are at the intersection of cultural anthropology, the analysis of folk traditions and gender studies. His books include: The Sacred Space (1978); Paradise folk. St. Joseph in the Southern folk tradition (1981), The Werewolf. The man, the wolf, the story (1984), into the world. Beliefs, practices and rituals of childbirth (1996) e La città e il suo racconto (2003).
Il libro
In questo libro l’autrice intende partire dalla tesi secondo la quale la medicalizzazione rappresenta una delle forme di controllo del corpo femminile presente nelle società occidentali. Gianfranca Ranisio si chiede se e in che modo questa prospettiva di medicalizzazione si stia estendendo alle tappe fisiologiche che contraddistinguono la vita delle donne, dal menarca alla menopausa. Indeed, what was formerly left to the management of women, what it referred to a different perception of time, with its moments allowed and prohibited, no longer exists: to undo hardships and sufferings operative medication. These stages are seen as a disease to treat, because time escape the hectic pace of everyday life and is difficult to combine with the models that the company is asking us to pursue. The woman's blood is full of symbolic value, its mere presence is perceived as a distinguishing feature, structure, and enhances sexual difference, an experience that, as women, we can not escape, but also restraint hold. The repetitiveness of the experience induce the woman to "feel" sharply his own body, to feel your physiology and at the same time, the psychological processes by this determination. The frequency of cyclic menstruation establishing a close link between the female life and the moon, which is why it dominates the plot of the text, this bond also stem from the belief that you believe in the influence exercised on the life of the moon Woman with the changing of its phases. Based on witness accounts, of women and comparing these with anthropological theories on the subject, the author highlights the complex relationship in the lives of women between the lived experience, cultural representations and stories that describe them. Emerge from these testimonies, family dynamics and relationships between generations and, with these, the importance of female lineages, which are also lines of transmission of knowledge and powers.
Tuesday, May 16 presentation of "When women have the moon. Beliefs and taboos "
the presentation of the new book anthropologist Gianfranca Ranis participate Enrica Amaturo, Rosetta Pope, Amalia Signorelli, Joan Petrillo and Esther Basile
" Sooner or later all the girls fall down stairs "begins when women are the moon . Beliefs and taboos, the last book published by anthropologist Gianfranca Ranis Baldini Castoldi Dalai (16 €, 214 pages), which will be presented in Naples Tuesday, May 16 to 17 at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies (Via Monte di Dio 14).
speakers at the presentation to the Dean of the Faculty of Sociology, University of Naples Federico II Enrica Amaturo, gynecology and manager of the mother-child ASL Napoli 1 Rosetta Pope, social psychology and anthropology Giovanna Petrillo Amalia Signorelli. Moderator of the meeting will be the President of Eleonora Pimentel Lopez De Leon Basile Esther. The author
Gianfranca Ranis is Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University Naples 'Federico II'. She has been involved in practices, rituals and forms of popular devotion, especially in the South. Investigated the meaning and symbolic representations that accompany the stages of female life and in particular has studied the anthropological scene of childbirth, making it emerged practices and cultural codes. His works are at the intersection of cultural anthropology, the analysis of folk traditions and gender studies. His books include: The Sacred Space (1978); Paradise folk. St. Joseph in the Southern folk tradition (1981), The Werewolf. The man, the wolf, the story (1984), into the world. Beliefs, practices and rituals of childbirth (1996) e La città e il suo racconto (2003).
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