Friday, December 10, 2010

Squematics Images From Hiatal Hernia

Collemoro Resort

evening in the kitchen of Collemoro Resort Montesilvano (link here) .

The Duck Magra proposed this menu for a banquet on the premises of Collemoro Resort Montesilvano (Pe) with the careful and wise direction of Antonio and Andrea, the holders of the structure:

drink / appetizer buffet
Quiche with spinach and sausage
escarole pie with tomato sauce and crunchy pine nuts (recipe here)
winter barley vaccine seasoned with slivers of smoked
First Course
Ravioli stuffed saddle of rabbit with rosemary and Parmesan cheese sauce
Seconds with vegetables
turkey with grapes and chestnuts
Potatoes Lard and fennel Arnaud
calcionetti with chickpea flour
Petit Parrozzini
Tarallucci grape jam (recipe here)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wedding Punch Recipe Fountain

herbs - herbs - wild herbs

This is the presentation of a new sport or a new way to gym. Gather wild herbs and then in cucinarsele pan.
How could we call this new sport? Feel good common sense. This is perhaps the more correct name. Look for a field that is far different from pollution, make us a nice walk with a boxcutter and a canvas bag.

The field is an ideal or an old pasture or alfalfa erbaio. In this area of \u200b\u200bthe seeds dispersed in spring salad endive, Swiss chard, chicory and various seeds to leave. Good things are always in need of calm and the time required. Vigorous re-growth of seedlings and you can pick up with the other wild herbs to get us a side of tasty and healthy herbs.

Obviously the wild herbs are not the same all over Italy, we say that these apply to the Centre and which are very common. We have trampled dozens of times without knowing how good and rich in minerals and vitamins. We will find the seeds of dandelion, endive of wild chicory and red light and other herbs which you can see an example in the photos.

must be said, then, that the height of the environmental beauty of this post. the water in the cooking of the herbs should not be totally thrown, but it used to be cool to fertilize with dissolved minerals your plants on the terrace or garden.

How can later try to classify and give a name and a better photo to the most common herbs that can be harvested in the fields.
The recipe is here.