Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Blueprints Of Makeup Vanity

Search Engines from 100 to 100 »The

I Search engines are the most used service on the network, second only to e-mail. Over 90% of surfers use a search engine to reach a site, information, news or what you need to know before buying a product.

With these words, Luca Conti and Titian Leaf - two of the best Italian bloggers experts in new technologies on the Internet, introduce the reader to the contents of " 100% Search Engines - Search and find . A book about the quintessential information on the Net, " Bots 100% " offers a comprehensive and exhaustive use of the tools available today for those seeking information on the Net

The Internet is said and written about much, but when you ask an expert in new technology to pull off something that is longer than a dozen tables, here comes the written work for a few topics that should be affordable all. Small wonder, and to discuss, then, if you Eurostat says that young Italians are not accustomed to "navigate " on the internet ... but then ... comes the objection that encourages the reader regardless of culture or technical training. " Bots 100% " offers hands-on experience of the authors who, using an open language, concise, suitable for all, tell the reader " new technologies in a fast, visual, immediate . "Bots 100% is a work designed to help set research dediserati giving the results as soon as possible for those seeking answers to their questions related and selective, for who is looking for music, pictures and videos ... but it is also a source of knowledge and inspiration for those interested in the origins, expectations, possibilities of today and the future development of a world that is between "the most dynamic in the world of technology . "Words like" international "," mobile "and" social , "the authors explain the last part of the book" keywords for first place in the near future .
Bots 100%
Search and find

Author: Pandemic Leaf and
Collection: PersonalTech
Language: Italian
Publication Year: 2006
Publisher: rgb
Pages: 168
Price: 9.90 Euro
The book reads at a gulp, and is organized to allow al lettore di passare da un argomento all'altro senza quel fastidioso disorientamento che accompagna i salti d'interesse. Non è un libro dispersivo. Punta all'essenziale, rispondendo in pieno al manifesto della PersonalTech: " collana di strumenti pratici per capire Internet, è già una case history: per la prima volta gli autori vengono dalla rete, e sono quegli stessi lettori che per anni non hanno trovato risposte negli altri manuali ".
Per spiegarci: alle domande " Se non è Google, qual'è stato il primo motore di ricerca su Internet? " e " Come lavoravano i primi motori di ricerca? ", risponde la chicca storica:

Il primo motore di ricerca a farsi largo su Internet fu Altavista nel 1995. Altavista determinava la classifica dei suoi risultati per una data parola chiave e in base a quante volte trovava il termine ricercato nella pagina. Il sistema, inizialmente efficace, costituì il successo di Altavista, ma divenne presto vittima dello spam dei gestori di alcuni siti: in pochi anni, utilizzando trucchi oggi non più efficaci, molti siti web approfittarono di questa vulnerabilità e impararono ad ingannare il motore nascondendo all'interno delle proprie pagine parole chiave non in tema.

Gli autori presentano le nuove tecnologie lasciando che sia il lettore a formarsi un'opinione in merito agli argomenti trattati. What is a search engine? What kind of evolution has had? What does today's research information on-line? What scenarios are now open for the foreseeable future? The work plan is simple, linear and vertical path in an informative (and training) designed to stimulate the reader to "try field." Text and pictures describe the features of each search tool " as it appears on video."

The journey begins with an introduction to the world of engines and then resolved in 5 key stages:
  • Search engines in general, analysis of the results pages and search categories;
  • Search engine dedicated to the selective news, blogs, the ' encyclopedic information, but also to comparisons, the discussion and the questions that await answers;
  • The use of the search engines for images and multimedia (audio, video);
  • research information, including cross to satisfy the desire for culture, shopping, travel, holidays,
  • Research based on the sharing of information, from file sharing to RSS feeds, to the social networks (social networks).

There are no geographical boundaries in the market for online search. Most partedelle innovations and experiments that ASK, MSN , Yahoo! and Google ITest issue every month for users, is localized in all major languages \u200b\u200b(including Italian) within a few months after, when not at the same time.

Do not despair if some services presented in this book are in English only. Probably when you read these pages, some will have been located and others will be soon!

These are the words with which pandemic (Luca Conti) and leaves (Tiziano Leaf) present the concept of "global challenge " in the final chapter " The future of search engines . The speed with which services are evolving on-line and prevent future technology in general to consider this and any other industry, such as final and immutable for just two or three years to come. On the other hand, a book is made of paper pages bound and that is why the strength to work on new technologies appear statically limited to a specific timeframe. We can talk about months, years, however at the end of the book will become history. In our case, the future of the book is not so obvious. This work was created in the network to the network. And presentation clarifies the concept:

This book is not never grow old ... in fact, will always be updated in the very place that gave birth to: network. Luca Titian and continue to tell and speigare the latest news from the world of search engines at while on find updates and insights on everything that is explained in the book.

" Bots 100%" is a book written to be disclosed, provide insights, benchmarks, and discussions on the search for information online. How is this possible? Respond copyright policy by which the work is distributed: Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs 2.0 Italy .